As development of our civilisation progresses, humans make an increasing impact on the environment, often resulting in destruction of ecosystems that have been evolving for millions of years.

We have to remember that it was nature that made place for humans, providing access to food, clean water and air.

That is why maximum reduction of negative impacts is one of ONDE’s primary goals in our care for the environment.


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At ONDE we all know very well that renewable energy sources are not just a response to the expectations of governments and environmental organizations, but also a certain kind of a pact with nature that allows humankind for its technological progress and fulfilment of dreams for current and future generations.

During even our smallest projects, ONDE protects nature, both its living and non-living parts, and our unique knowledge gained over the years on how to coexist and get inspiration, makes ONDE a trustworthy and competent business partner.

Certificate ISO 14001:2015


The dedicated Climate Policy of ONDE Group purports to show the management oversight over the challenges linked to the prevention of adverse climate impact, setting ONDE climate goals along with indicating the mechanisms for their implementation.

The motto of ONDE SA Management Board is the development of the company based on the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda, which includes: Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 13 (Climate-related Actions).

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ONDE is the first company in Poland from the RES sector that received the EU EMAS certificate

The ambition of ONDE, as one of the RES sector leaders, is to actively participate in promotion and development of projects using the renewable energy sources. We feel responsible not only for what we do and how, but also for the environment in which we operate. Our mission is to strive to limit our negative environmental impact as far as possible.

At ONDE we undertake a number of initiatives to implement and promote positive solutions in the area of environmental protection. This environmental declaration presents a complete image of environmental interactions and represents a catalogue of our experiences and knowledge that we want to share with you. We believe that together we can develop the world further and be a wave of clean, green change. Generate energy needed for living in a harmony and agreement with the nature. For us all, but also for the future generations.