Special purpose vehicles belonging to the ZE PAK Group ordered at ONDE construction of wind power plants of the total capacity of 138.6 MW. The works value amounts to over PLN 357 million. In terms of its value, this is one of the largest contracts in the history of this listed company, and the largest among its wind farm projects.
Under this comprehensive order, consisting of two contracts for construction of Drzeżewo I-III and Drzeżewo IV wind farms, ONDE will construct, among others, access roads, assembling yards, and three 30/110 kV sub-stations, and will lay nearly 120 km of high and medium voltage lines in total. The company will also construct 63 foundations, on which 2.2 MW Vestas turbines will be installed. The farms are located in the Pomorskie Voivodeship and are to be ready to operate at the beginning of 2026. The total value of the order resulting from both contracts is PLN 357 million net.
‘We are really proud of being awarded the execution of such a huge project, requiring enormous organisational skills, financial resources, and experience, which can be demonstrated by only a few companies in Poland. For us it is also a symbolic moment, because with the investment in Drzeżewo we cross the threshold of one hundred wind farms executed by ONDE. This year, we reached the level of 4 GW of installed power for all our RES projects, and we do not slow down’, says Piotr Gutowski, ONDE Vice-President. ‘What is very important for us is the fact that this is yet another large contract executed for ZE PAK, one of the leaders of the energy transition in Poland. Currently, we are constructing a wind farm in Człuchów for that investor, which consists of 33 turbines of the total capacity of ca. 72.6 MW. To us, returning customers mean a great satisfaction and the best proof of our competences and professionalism’, emphasises Piotr Gutowski.
Contracts with ZE PAK for execution of Drzeżewo I-IV wind farms is one of the largest contracts in the ONDE history, and the largest this year. Following its signing, the current backlog of the Company external contracts amounts to PLN one billion.