Construction of two own PV systems of the total capacity reaching nearly 19 MWp enters a key stage. At the same time, ONDE is holding advanced negotiations concerning the sale of those projects.
Execution of two photovoltaic farms, conducted by special purpose vehicles from the ONDE Group as a part of its developer activities, is entering its crucial phase. In the case of the “Jelenia Góra I” project, covering nearly 11 hectares, of 6.7 MWp, all components have already been delivered, and PV modules are being installed on the erected structures. The energising of the farm is planned for the first half of the year. The finished project is to supply over 7400 MWh a year, which corresponds to the demand of nearly 3000 households. The second project concerns the 12 megawatt “Jawor”, executed on over 15 hectares, where currently structures are being installed for already ordered PV modules. The farm should start its operations at the end of the summer holiday season. Its planned capacity amounts to nearly 13000 MWh a year, i.e. the amount consumed by 5200 households.
“The previous year showed how important the influence of our developer projects on the company performance is. We want the share of that segment to increase with every year, with its role in building the ONDE value for shareholders gaining in importance. . We would like to sell the “Jawor” and “Jelenia Góra I” projects even before their energising, so we are holding intense negotiations with potential buyers. This will allow us to quickly generate financial resources to start new construction projects,“ explains Marek Marzec, ONDE SA Vice-President.
We also would like to note that ONDE holds design rights to construction of the third 4.42 MWp photovoltaic farm (apart from the “Jawor” and “Jelenia Góra I”), the execution of which depends, among others, on receiving the connection conditions, for which ONDE has already applied.
The ONDE strategic objective is develop its position as a leader in the construction of infrastructure for the RES segment, with simultaneous robust development of the second business leg – the development of RES systems in the develop-build-sell mode. Currently, ONDE investment pipeline has a potential of ca. 870 MW, of which projects of the capacity of ca. 300 MW already have received connection conditions.